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Our history


Four "patrolwomen" were hired at the Omaha Police Department (Lynn Fricke, Marty Husebo, Marilou Leitel & Charlotte Moore). Even though they were called "patrolwomen," they were assigned secretarial work, follow-up assignments, or plainclothes assignments. Females were excluded from cruiser assignments.
1985 Gail DOLAN, Nancy BRADSHAW Best Dressed.jpg


Nancy Bradshaw, then a Municipal Court clerk, filed a complaint with the City of Omaha's Human Relations Department challenging the distinction between male and female officers. (ie terms "Patrolman" vs. "Patrolwoman" and the subsequent assignments for each)


Nancy Bradshaw is hired by the Omaha Police Department as a "policewoman".


The job description at the Omaha Police Department is changed to "police officer," eliminating any reference to gender.


Marty Husebo requests a cruiser assignment at the Omaha Police Department.


Female police officers begin patrolling in police cruisers at the Omaha Police Department and begin receiving assignments in police jobs traditionally assigned to men only.

Late 1970's

Female police officers at the Omaha Police Department(including Husebo, Bradshaw, Hauptman, Palmer, and Mailou Lawson)fight City of Omaha Personnel in order to take promotional exams. The Personnel Director at the time would not allow it because exam applicants were "required to have four years experience as patrolmen, but they were patrolwomen." Nancy Bradshaw became the first female offered the Sergeant Promotion but turned it down as she was not the next in line to be promoted. She wanted to be treated the same as her male counterparts.


Captain Genelle Moore is hired by the Lincoln Police Department as the first black female officer. She went on to become the first female motorcycle officer for her agency.


Omaha Police Department promotes first females, Barb J. Hauptman & Mary J. Eggers to Sergeant.
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Omaha Police Department promotes two females to Deputy Chiefs, Barb Hauptman, and Brenda Smith, becoming the highest-ranking females. 


Omaha Police Department certifies its first female canine officer.


First female firefighter, Julie Fisher hired at the Beatrice Fire Department.


First female firefighter, Jeanne Pashalek promoted to Captain at the Lincoln Fire Department.


Lincoln Police Department certifies its first female canine handler.


Omaha Police Department certifies its first female motorcycle officer.


The first female Omaha Police Officer, Detective Kerrie Orozco is killed in the line of duty while attempting to take a wanted fugitive into custody. Det Orozco leaves behind her husband, daughter, two stepchildren, and a large, loving family. #kerrieon


Scotts Bluff County Detention Correctional Officer Amanda Beth Baker is killed in the line of duty by a juvenile inmate. Officer Baker becomes the first Nebraska female killed in the Line of Duty. She is survived by her young son, siblings, and mother.

Learn more at the Officer Down Memorial Page.


Hastings Police Department promotes Sergeant, Raelee Van Winkle to Captain, making her the first female Captain within her department.


Scottsbluff Police Department Officer Krisa Brass is promoted to Corporal and becomes the first woman to hold a supervisory position.


Brenda Urbanek is named the Director of the Nebraska Law Enforcement Training Center becoming the first female leader of the academy.


Nebraska State Patrol promotes Major Brenda Konfrst to Commander of the Special Operations and Captilo Security/Executive Protection. Commander Konfrst becomes the first female troop commander.


Omaha Fire Department promotes its first female Assistant Chief, Kathy Bossman. Bossman became the highest-ranking female in the history of her department.

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